Is Ezoic Premium Worth it? – Complete Review

This is a review of Ezoic Premium, and the various benefits (and drawbacks) it offers. We will also be sharing our own personal experience with Ezoic premium, which at the time of this article, is more than 6 months.

Ezoic Premium Review

Ezoic Premium is a special service offered by Ezoic to it’s publishers which gives them access to premium advertisers who offer significantly better rates than regular ads.

Ezoic Premium Review

Shown in the graph above are my earnings from Ezoic Premium. The light green graph that you see is the regular earnings which range from $8 – $15 per day. The Premium earnings are shown in dark green, and range from 5$ – 8$ daily.

So how does this work exactly? Well, publishers who are part of the premium program have access to better advertisers, and hence can feature more higher paying ads on their websites. But it comes at a cost. You need to pay a fixed monthly fee which scales depending on your revenue.

It does sound a bit odd, and it feels like a feature that should be available to all, free of cost. However, Ezoic claim that the Premium membership fee is used to further enhance the premium program and obtain better advertisers and ads for publishers.

How to get into Ezoic Premium?

Unfortunately, Ezoic Premium is an invite-only program. You cannot apply for it, although you could contact your dedicated customer support representative about it and see if he can get you an invite.

To ensure you get an invite, you just need to make sure you are following Ezoic’s best practices. For example, you need to have a 10 – 15 placeholders setup, use the LEAP optimization features, etc.

There is no fixed traffic requirement or revenue requirement. Even smaller publishers with revenue of less than $100 monthly have been accepted into premium.

Benefits of joining Ezoic Premium

Surprisingly, there is actually more than just one benefit of joining Premium. Yes, the revenue is the main incentive and is more than enough of a reason to want to join Premium. But, depending on your premium plan, you can get other benefits too.

As we will discuss in more detail in the next section, there are 3 tiers for premium, Basic, Preferred and Elite. The higher your tier plan, the more benefits you get, such as advanced analytics, faster reporting times, site reviews and other such perks.

Furthermore, there is a 14-day trial that is available free-of-cost. So you can always just take the trial and make your decision at the end if you feel conflicted.

Premium Levels

There many levels for Ezoic Premium, depending on how much your site earns. These are the following levels:

  1. Three Stars
  2. Four Stars
  3. Five Stars
  4. Diamond
  5. Double Diamond
  6. Triple Diamond
  7. Four Diamond
  8. Five Diamond
  9. Seven Diamond

Your level is determined by how much revenue you earn without premium. The higher your level, the higher your monthly cost is, but your potential earnings will also increase significantly. Ezoic will automatically upgrade you for a higher plan when you are eligible.

You might be worried that you won’t make enough money off premium, and the monthly cost will be greater than the revenue you make. But don’t worry! If your revenue drops to the point where your monthly cost is greater than the premium revenue, Ezoic will drop you a level so that your monthly cost reduces. (This is a very rare case though)

Within each level, there are three possible tiers of plans you may pick.

  1. Basic
  2. Preferred
  3. Elite

Each tier offers you a certain amount of benefits, an estimated amount of revenue and comes at a fixed cost. Elite is the most expensive, but also has the best Profit ratio (around 60% of its cost). Likewise, Basic is the cheapest but you won’t see too much profit there (around 30% of its cost).

On top of all this, you can choose to opt for a Yearly plan or monthly plan. The yearly plan is 20% is cheaper than the monthly one. (You don’t have to pay it all at once, rather you pay on a month-by-month basis).

You can see the costs + revenue shown for some of the plans and tiers in the above image.

Personally my suggestions would be to stay on the monthly plan for a month or two, then switch to the yearly plan once you feel comfortable with Ezoic. Then after that year is over you can explore other ad-networks or decide if you want to continue with Ezoic or not.

Downsides of Premium

To make your premium revenue more significant (after cutting the cost), you need to sign up for the annual plan which forces you to a 12 month commitment. This can be an issue for some people.

In exchange for paying on a month-by-month basis (instead of lumpsum), Ezoic will penalize you by 50% of the remaining duration in your annual contract. So if you have 6 months left, and you leave Ezoic, you will have to pay 3-months worth of premium fee to Ezoic.

Another slight problem is that you need to pay for premium at the start of the month. And because of Ezoic’s paying schedule (paying you 30 days later), you won’t receive your premium revenue for 60 days. Once the initial 60 days pass though, this will not be an issue.

Other than this there is no real downside, as at the end of the day you will always be earning more due to premium, not less. Regardless of whether you are on the Monthly plan or Annual plan.

Is Premium worth it?

So that you know everything about Ezoic Premium, what do you think? Is it worth it?

From my personal experience, yes, it is. I was already earning well from Ezoic before Premium, and joining simply increased what I was earning. There are a few annoying downsides to it, but in the end it’s the Revenue that really matters. And as mentioned earlier, Ezoic will always make sure that you are earning money, not losing it.

If you have any misgivings, you can always just take the 14-day trial first and make your decision later. You don’t have to pay any fees for these 14 days, so you will also be earning some extra money along the way.

Did you have a different experience with Ezoic Premium? If so, let us know in the comments section below.

Haven’t joined Ezoic yet? Follow this link and sign up now!

This marks the end of the Is Ezoic Premium Worth it? Review. Any suggestions or contributions for CodersLegacy are more than welcome. Questions regarding the tutorial content can be asked in the comments section below.

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