Python Libraries

Our in depth articles on the use of Python Libraries are spread out among-st the Python Basics, Python Intermediate and Python Advanced. This page is a list of all the tutorials present on this website regarding Libraries in Python.

Alongside the name each library, a brief explanation regarding it’s use is provided and a link to the main tutorial.

List of Python Libraries

Sys: A simple, but important built-in-library that deals with several commands related to the os and system. Has several useful functions that deal with learning more about your target PC. (tutorial link)

Os: A simple, but important built-in-library that deals with several commands related to the os and system. Comes with several useful functions for walking through directories, changing files names, manipulating the current working directory and more. (tutorial link)

Datetime: Another time related library, but with a simpler concept and syntax, and more focused towards manipulating and displaying dates. (tutorial link)

Time: A Python library focused heavily on time. Utilizes the epoch system as a point of reference to tell the time. (tutorial link)

Random: A library used to introduce random elements into your code. Can produce random numbers in a variety of different ways. (tutorial link)

Numpy: A Python Library famed for it’s use in Scientific Computing. Brings multi-dimensional Arrays to the table along with the appropriate tools to manipulate them. (tutorial link)

Regex: Often referred to as a programming language of it’s own. regex is a powerful tool when it comes to finding patterns and sorting through a large number of objects. (tutorial link)

Matplotlib: The most well known library for statistics and data representation in Python. Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Histograms, Trend-lines, scatter-plots and more. Learn how to create graphs with dynamically changing values with Matplotlib now! (tutorial link)

Tkinter: The GUI or Graphical User interface is a form of user interface that includes graphical elements, such as windows, icons and buttons. These allow the average user to communicate with an electronic device. Tkinter is a popular python GUI library that helps you build interactive and beautiful GUI’s. (tutorial link)

PyQt5: Qt is another very popular GUI Library used across many languages and major software due to it’s modern and refined look. It’s a very popular alternative to Tkinter which is regarded as slightly outdated and old fashioned in comparison. (tutorial link)

wxPython: A GUI library based of the popular C++ wxWidgets library. It’s a popular GUI library used by many for it’s cross-platform ability, clean UI and powerful and easy to use widgets. (tutorial link)

SimpleDialog: The SimpleDialog module is used to create dialog boxes to take input from the user in a variety of ways. SimpleDialog allows us to take input of varying datatypes from the user, such as float, string and integer. Works in co-relation with the Tkinter GUI library. (tutorial link)

FileDialog: A library that helps you activate the “open/save file” window. Useful when you are creating a GUI application and want to give the user the option where to save his files or where to load them from. Works in co-relation with the Tkinter GUI library. (tutorial link)

Message Box: A simple library used for creating GUI prompts that show up in a user-friendly way. These prompts have a variety of functions ranging from confirmation messages to simple warnings. (tutorial link)

Openpyxl: A Library used to communicate between Microsoft Excel and Python. Very useful for automating tasks for those who use Excel often. With this library you can create excel sheets, store, read and change the data within the Excel file. (tutorial link)

Shutil: The Python shutil module is used to perform high level operations on files or collections of files. The shutil module specializes in obtaining information from these collections of files as well as moving and copying them. The python os module has similar functions, but unlike shutil, they are focused on single files. (tutorial link)

Logging: One of the lesser known Python Libraries. Teaches you the concept of creating system logs to track your program activities and events that occur. All these are saved to a single file, which we call, a “log” file. This file can be used for troubleshooting or debugging later on. (tutorial link)

Selenium: The Python Selenium library can be thought as a web automation library. If you’ve heard of pyautogui, a library that can automate the movements of a mouse and keyboard, Selenium is the web equivalent of this. Selenium is able to take the place of the user while accessing web pages. (tutorial link)

Pyautogui: A useful python library that allows you to automate your mouse movements and keyboard strokes. Simple and easy to learn. This library is designed to use the mouse and keyboard just like a regular human would. This makes it great for automating everyday tasks. (tutorial link)

Beautiful soup: A library that is used for web scraping. Web scraping is the act of extracting data from the internet for use in your programs. Very useful in creating bots to automatically pull data from the internet routinely for specific tasks. (tutorial link)

Scrapy: The more advanced, all in one web scraping library, Scrapy. Scrapy comes with all kinds of advanced feature that it’s weaker counterpart BeautifulSoup lacks. Link following, link extraction, proxies and rotating IP’s are just a few things that Scrapy can do. (tutorial link)

Webbrowser: A library that provides a high-level interface to allow displaying Web-based documents to users. Basically, used to establish a connection between your python program and a website. Creating such a connection is important before carrying out other web related tasks, like web-scraping. (tutorial link)

Requests: The Python requests module lets you easily download files from the Web without having to worry about many complicated issues such as network errors, connection problems, and data compression. The requests module was created as a better alternative to the Python urllib2 module, which has unnecessary complexity and lack of features when compared to the requests library. (tutorial link)

Cfscrape: A rather unknown, but useful python library that can help you bypass certain “bot checks” on websites. Helpful when accessing sites who don’t allow bots. Use with caution.

Pyperclip: A Library that helps you manipulate your clip board. Send data to and from the clip-board with this Library. (tutorial link)

Pyinstaller: The python pyinstaller library is used to translate your high level source code into low level compiled code. This helps to protect your software against piracy when distributing software. (tutorial link)

Zipfile: A small library used to teach your program how to create zipfiles automatically. Useful in making custom backup scripts that use less space. (tutorial link)

Send2trash: A library that can come in handy during file handling. Python by default, if ordered to, will delete any file permanently. Send2trash however, gives you the option to send it to the recycle bin instead. (tutorial link)

Pygame: A python library designed for creating games. The Pygame library brings in support for many features required to build a game such as recording keyboard presses and mouse input, graphics, audio and drawing etc. It’s not the fastest or most efficient, but it’s one of the easier gaming libraries to learn. (tutorial link)

Threading: A very complex library that introduces multi-threading to your program. Multi-threading is the concept of using multiple threads/cores on your PC to execute a task. This library is difficult to learn and implement properly, but if mastered, will dramatically improve program performance. Recommended for those working in resource intensive projects. (learn now)

Scheduling Libraries: Python has various libraries used for the scheduling and automation of tasks. If you have a certain “job” or “task” you need to do daily, or during a certain interval, then you automate this task completely using scheduling. (tutorial link)

If there are any Python Libraries you would like to see here, please mention so in the comments below. Questions can be asked in the comments section below.

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