Learn C++

Introduction to C++

C++ is a high-level, general-purpose programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup in the 1979 as an extension of the C programming language. It started of with just adding Classes, but later grew to encompass other features such as Object oriented programming.

C++ was designed for large system and resource constrained software focusing on performance, efficiency and flexibility. Nowadays, C++ is used in a variety of applications such as Desktop applications and Video Games as well as other performance critical applications such as Animation and Database software.

A major benefit is that C++ is faster when compared to other higher level programming languages like Python due to it’s low abstraction level from the computer hardware. However this comes at the cost of ease of use. The learning curve of C++ is steeper than most high level languages because of it’s low abstraction.

Due to C++ low abstraction level, (when compared to other high level programming languages), it is sometimes called a Low level language. However, this is not so as the only low level languages are machine code and assembly language. Hence, we can come to the conclusion that C++ is a “Middle” level language, lower than Python but higher than assembly.

Learn more about high and low level languages and the abstraction spectrum!

Getting Started with C++

This section will is for people completely new to C++. It explains where to download C++ from and how to install it with the optimal settings. It includes an extra section where suitable IDE’s for C++ are discussed (Both for beginners and veterans).

C++ Basics

The C++ Basics section covers the very basics of the C++ language. Here we will discuss it’s syntax, supported data types and different Arithmetic and logical operators it has. Covers everything up to Loops and Functions in C++.

C++ Advanced

The topics in here are a fair bit harder and more complex than those in the Basics section. These are for more serious programmers, whereas the basics section is enough for a student or casual programmer. Expect to see in depth articles on Classes, File Handling, Exception Handling and more.

C++ Problem Solving

An upcoming C++ section which covers a range of different possible scenarios and problems a programmer may run into while programming. In depth, step by step answers are available as well. Though you might want to try and solve it on your own first.

This marks the end of the “About C++ “section. Any suggestions or contributions for CodersLegacy are more than welcome. Any questions regarding the material can be asked in the comments section below.

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