VB.NET Advanced

A compilation of topics in the VB.NET advanced section. This section is the sequel to the VB.NET Basics section.

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VB.NET File Handling: Using files to store and load data is a key part to many applications. Learn how to create, delete, edit and load files with this guide.

VB.NET Classes: Welcome to the world of Classes and object oriented programming. Learn how objects and Classes work. Learn about the local and global scopes in VB.NET. Understand the different protection levels at work here.

VB.NET variable scope: There are two types of variable scope in VB.NET. The first is the local scope, which exists within a local body like a function, and the second is the global scope which exists throughout the VB.NET program’s main body. Read this article to understand the different Access levels and how to modify them.

VB.NET Exception Handling: An exception refers to an event that is triggered during the execution of a program that goes against the flow, disrupting the program. An exception in VB.NET is meant to represent a error that occurs due to compiler being unable to handle an unexpected situation. As a result, the program flow is stopped and terminated.

This marks the end of the VB.NET Classes section. Any suggestions or contributions for CodersLegacy are more than welcome. Any questions can be asked in the Comment section below.

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