C++ Loops

This article covers the different types of loops in C++.

Like any programming language, C++ has a variety of different loops used to perform different tasks. But what are loops? Simply put, loops are control statements that continuously repeat a block of code. Using loops helps prevent redundancy in our code as don’t have to re-write the same block over and over.

C++ also has several loop control statements which are used to manipulate loops while they are running.

Types of Loops

The three types of loops in C++ are listed below.

do whileExecutes a block of code once, and will keep repeating as long as a given given condition holds true.
whileRepeats a block a code while a given condition holds true.
for Repeats a block of code for a given number of times. Can also be used to iterate through collection types variables, like Arrays.

Loop Control Statements

There is also the GoTo statement, however as using it is not good practice, we didn’t include it here.

breakWhen a loop encounters this statement during its execution, it will immediately stop and “break”, moving to the next statement after the loop.
continueThe loop will stop it’s current iteration, and move on to the next iteration.

This marks the end of the C++ Loops article. Any suggestions or Contributions for CodersLegacy are more than welcome. Questions can be asked in the comments section below.

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