Best Books for Algorithms and Data Structures

In this article we will be briefly reviewing a few of the best books available on Data Structures and Algorithms. We’ll provide short descriptions for each book, while also linking to their Amazon pages where you can find hundreds of reviews, both positive and negative to help you make your decision. Checkout the summary at … Read more

Comparison of Sorting Algorithms

Welcome to our Comparison on Sorting Algorithms Article. Here, we’ll be comparing the various sorting Algorithms out there on the basic of several factors. Time Complexity Space Complexity Stable/Unstable Actual Fields Tests We’ll top it all of by trying to describe where each Algorithm is best suited, and their strong and weak points. Every Algorithm … Read more

Introduction to Sorting Algorithms

In this Introduction to Sorting Algorithms Article, we’ll be covering all the important and commonly used Sorting Algorithms. We’ll explain each one of them briefly, their worst and best scenarios, Big O notations and then finally compare their performance. Not all of them directly compete with each other, some being better under certain circumstances or … Read more

Types of Sorting Algorithms (Comparison, Recursive, Inplace)

Most people are aware of the various Sorting Algorithms and even their respective time complexities, best case, worst case etc. However, they have little knowledge about the types of Sorting Algorithms. Knowing about these different types is important because it reveals important information regarding the workings of the Sorting Algorithm, as well as it’s limitations. … Read more

Improving Performance in Pygame – Speed up your Game

While Pygame may be lacking features and optimization when compared to actual game development frameworks, low performance in it is not often it’s fault. If your simple 2D game is having performance issues, the problem lies in your coding, not Pygame. In this article on Improving Performance in Pygame, we’ll explain how exactly you can … Read more

Python GUI Frameworks

This article covers the most popular GUI Frameworks in Python. One of Python’s strongest selling points is the vast number of GUI libraries available for GUI development. GUI development can be a tricky task, but thanks to the tools these Python GUI frameworks provide us, things become much simpler. While some of the below GUI … Read more

Datacamp Review

This article is a review on coding tutorial site, Datacamp. Datacamp is a very well known online learning platform for programmers. It aims to teach a variety of different languages and topics through the use of videos, text and exercises. In this review we’ll be attempting to cover everything about Datacamp, from it’s format to … Read more

What are Dependencies in Programming

This article explains what Dependencies in Programming mean. This article is going to be a very informative read no matter what kind of programmer you are. In fact, even if you aren’t a programmer you will find this article useful. After all, dependencies is not just a programming concept. It’s a general term that has … Read more