
There is almost infinite number of things that could be included on this site. There are dozens of languages, hundreds of topics and thousands of concepts. This isn’t the work of just one person, or even of a team of people. We can only get closer to achieving this goal with the help of our community. So help us. How exactly can you contribute? Look below to see how.

If you’ve used this site enough, and read the page explaining the structure of this site, you’ll have understood how our format works. For every subject, we have 4-5 divisions. An Intro division, a basic, intermediate and advanced divisions followed by a “Problems” division. If you feel like there is something missing in our lessons or you have something useful to contribute, you can make your article and submit it here. Some guidelines to keep in mind though.

  1. First make sure that the concept/topic you are writing on isn’t already on the site.
  2. Your article should be explanatory and concise.
  3. If relevant, your articles should be accompanied by examples.
  4. Your article must not include any plagiarized content, else it will be disqualified immediately.

Once you’ve completed your article, you can email it to us. After a review of the article followed by some minor editing if necessary, the article will be published here.

Why should you Contribute?

Other than knowing that your article will be helping us lay down a great Coding legacy, (hence the name, CodersLegacy), your name will also be included in the contributed article, for everyone to see and acknowledge.

Finally, I firmly believe that the last step in one’s journey is taking up the role of a teacher. If you want to know whether you’ve mastered a concept or topic, try teaching it to someone else. If you feel confident while teaching, if you feel in control, if you feel that you genuinely understand what you’re saying, you can rest easy knowing that you’ve mastered that particular field.

So how are you going to find out if you’ve achieved mastery? Come here and try teaching others through your contributions. You can contact us at [email protected] with your submission or queries.

If you have any questions regarding contributing to this site, feel free to ask in the comments below.

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