This is tutorial number 14 in our Pygame RPG series.
It’s time to “fill out” our game a bit and add some new mechanics. Two things in particular that most RPG’s have is a Player leveling system as well as a variety of different special attacking moves to use. Before implementing either of these though, we need two other supporting features, “Mana” and “Experience”.
In this Pygame tutorial we’ll be explain how to correctly insert “Experience” and “Mana” into our RPG. Using these, or variants of these concepts you can easily add a ton of new and exciting mechanics into your game.
Player Variables
The first thing to do is add two new variables into the player class, self.mana
and self.experiance
self.attacking = False
self.cooldown = False
self.attack_frame = 0 = 5
self.experiance = 0
self.mana = 0
Enemy Class
Usually in games, killing the enemy generates a certain (or random) amount of experience, mana or items drop. Considering this, it made sense for us to place the experience and mana code into the enemy class.
We’ll be exploring two slightly different methods, one of which we’ll use on Mana and one on Experience. The number of mana generated will be a randomized amount, whereas the experience will be a fixed amount per kill.
self.direction = random.randint(0,1) # 0 for Right, 1 for Left
self.vel.x = random.randint(2,6) / 2 # Randomised velocity of the generated enemy
self.mana = random.randint(1, 3) # Randomised mana amount obtained upon kill
Previously when our enemy object was hit by the Player, we would just use the kill()
method to remove the Enemy from the game. In this and the upcoming tutorials we will be adding many more features all connected to the “death” of the enemy.
It’s often a good idea to create a limiter for certain variables such as Mana. In this case we’ll use an if statement to prevent it from incrementing if it reaches the value of 100. We won’t keep any kind of limit for experience though (yet), so it will increment freely if the enemy is killed.
def update(self):
# Checks for collision with the Player
hits = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, Playergroup, False)
# Activates upon either of the two expressions being true
if hits and player.attacking == True:
if player.mana < 100: player.mana += self.mana # Release mana
player.experiance += 1 # Release expeiriance
# If collision has occured and player not attacking, call "hit" function
elif hits and player.attacking == False:
And that’s all. No changes to the game loop required this time. There is however, a little problem. We have no way of actually monitoring our experience or mana, which almost completely ruins their purpose. This is something we will be rectifying in the next tutorial, so be sure to follow up.
Here’s a little sneak peek from the next section where we’ll be working on the status bar.

Use the button below to advance to the next section!
This marks the end of the Pygame RPG – Player Experience and Mana Tutorial. Any suggestions or contributions for CodersLegacy are more than welcome. Questions regarding the article content can be asked in the comments section below.