This Article explores the programming language VB.NET.

VB.NET, made by Microsoft is the direct successor to Visual Basic language. Released in the 2000’s it was meant to improve upon the Visual Basic language, not overhaul it. As a result most of the code is the same, making it easy to transition from one to the other. The differences between the two are mostly new features rather than changes to the old system.

Visual basic became well known due to it’s ability to create desktop applications with ease. It has custom modes that take of the GUI work for you, so even absolute beginners can create their own GUI desktop applications.

(GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. You see them everywhere. Buttons, Menu’s, Entry fields are all part of the GUI)

Getting started

Walks you through the installation and the setup of VB.NET. A step by step installation guide with detailed instructions. Walks you through the use of it’s IDE, Visual Studio as well.

VB.NET Basics

Covers all the core concepts in Visual Basics all the way from it’s basic syntax all the way to the various kinds of loops and iterations methods. Completing this section will allow you to start creating basic applications in VB.NET and even a basic desktop application or two.

VB.NET advanced

Sequel to the VB.NET Basics section. Carries forward some of the topics in an advanced manner. Covers new and advanced topics like File handling and Classes. For those people who want to use Visual Basic for more than just casual programming.

VB.NET problem solving

An upcoming section that deals with the various kinds of problems that may come up while programming in different scenarios. Theory will only take you so far. This section will attempt to give you some experience as well. Each problem will have a detailed, step by step explanation to help everyone understand.

This marks the end of the VB.NET article. Any suggestions or comments for CodersLegacy are more than welcome. Any questions about the above content can be asked in the comments section.

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