Python Object Serialization with Pickle

Object Serialization is a fascinating programming concept, that is readily available in Python using the Pickle Library. Pickle provides a set of inbuilt functions and functionality that make dumping and loading objects to and from files a piece of cake. What is Object Serialization? Serialization is the process of converting an object to a byte … Read more

Tkinter vs wxPython – Python GUI Libraries

In this “Tkinter vs wxPython” article we will compare two popular GUI libraries in Python, to determine the winner. Through the article, we will attempt to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using either library, and share some code snippets to help you decide which one you should be learning. Table of Contents Tkinter wxPython … Read more

Octave vs MATLAB – Analyzing the Differences

In this Octave vs MatLab article, we will be comparing the two programming languages to determine which one you should be using. MatLab MatLab, or “Matrix Laboratory” is a high performance language designed for technical computation. It is a tool that’s widely used in different aspects of our life such math, and computation, algorithm development. … Read more

How Creativity Can Be Taught Through Coding

Computer programming is a language that tells computers what to do. Computers are built for logic, and the language of computer programming is just another way to communicate with them. Logic Building (another name for Coding) is a rather tricky process, through which Creativity and Critical Thinking can be taught. Image Source  Today’s children are growing … Read more

Scrapy vs Selenium | Web Scraping Frameworks

This is “vs” comparison article between Scrapy and Selenium to decide which Python Web Scraping Framework you should be using. Scrapy or Selenium? What is Web Scraping? Web scraping is the act of extracting or “scraping” data from a web page. The general process is as follows. First the targeted web page is “fetched” or … Read more

Best Books for Algorithms and Data Structures

In this article we will be briefly reviewing a few of the best books available on Data Structures and Algorithms. We’ll provide short descriptions for each book, while also linking to their Amazon pages where you can find hundreds of reviews, both positive and negative to help you make your decision. Checkout the summary at … Read more

The Difference between Arduino and Raspberry Pi

In this Article we are going to discuss the difference between two popular circuit boards types, Arduino and Raspberry Pi. These two boards are used by a wide range of people for a variety of jobs, including DIY builders, Robotics, Prototyping and even used by Professionals. Arduino Arduino was developed by the Ivrea Interaction Design … Read more