JavaFX vs Swing | Java GUI Libraries [2022]

This article is a JavaFX vs Swing Comparison, explaining the pros and cons. Java has long been a very popular language since the 1990’s, used by a great number of people. Overtime many Java GUI frameworks have come and gone. There are a few that stand out as the most important, and those of those … Read more

What are Dependencies in Programming

This article explains what Dependencies in Programming mean. This article is going to be a very informative read no matter what kind of programmer you are. In fact, even if you aren’t a programmer you will find this article useful. After all, dependencies is not just a programming concept. It’s a general term that has … Read more

PySide vs PyQt | Understanding the difference

Once people get to know about both PySide and PyQt, due to their similarities, people have a hard time picking one over the other. Here in this “PySide vs PyQt” article we’ll examine both libraries from multiple angles and attempt to come to a conclusion. The reason why we are comparing these two libraries is … Read more

Java GUI Frameworks Guide

This article reviews the most important GUI Libraries/Frameworks in Java. Once you’ve graduated from creating simple console based applications, programs which graphical user interfaces (or GUI) are the next step. Java has several GUI libraries or “frameworks” which provide support for creating modern and feature rich user interfaces. Bear in mind that there are actually … Read more

Python Books by Al Sweigart

This article reviews several Python Books by Al Sweigart. Al Sweigart is a Python Influencer who has over the years created dozens of different Python resources, most notably books. In this article we’ll be exploring some of his most popular books that have been published. Many of these are highly reputed and widely read by … Read more

Best Python Book Recommendations

This article is for people looking for the Best Python Book recommendations out there. There are all kinds of different ways of learning Python in today’s era. With the rise of the internet, Web Tutorials, Coding sites and Online Video Courses have attracted alot of people. None of these however can compete with a well … Read more

PyQt vs Tkinter – The better GUI library

This article compares two Python GUI libraries, PyQt vs Tkinter. The PyQt vs Tkinter debate is one I’ve been seeing ever since I joined up with several Python communities and social media sites. In this article, I’m going to share my own journey and personal experience with these two GUI libraries. Besides my personal experience, … Read more

Python Game projects with source code

This article is a compilation of several game projects in Python along with the source code. This page serves as a compilation point for all the game projects available on our site, Coderslegacy. Each Game project is listed with the following details. An Image of the game A brief description of the game A brief … Read more

Difference between Functions and Methods

This article covers the differences between functions and methods. Before we proceed any further, please take a good look at the following piece of code. (It’s in python, but the general point remains the same and applies to all programming languages) Chances are that you’ve already understood the difference. If you didn’t, don’t worry! That’s … Read more

Understanding High and Low level Languages

Despite being such an important part of programming fundamentals, many programmers and computer science students know very little about High and Low Level languages. If you ask any of them to describe the difference, you’ll likely see a response like the one below. “High Level languages use English like words and are easier to understand” … Read more