How to create Software in Python?

Before we get around to explaining how to create software using Python, let’s list down some basic differences between an actual software and the small scripts. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) Exception Handling Logging System Software is compiled code that is executed Scripts are interpreted Script are typically a single file program Software may consists … Read more

Top 11+ Coding practices for Great Coders

A compilation of all good coding practices for both new and experienced programmers. A must read, especially for newcomers or those looking to begin develop proper software and programs, even if it’s only on a basic level. In some sections of this article we have some code snippets for further elaboration on certain coding practices. … Read more

Welcome to CodersLegacy!

Learn! Develop! Contribute!

Welcome to CodersLegacy, a coding site aimed primarily towards aspiring new programmers looking to expand their skill set. How do we intend to achieve this? Read the article to find out!