Python JIT Compilers – Just in time compilation

Python, known for its simplicity and ease of use, has gained immense popularity among developers. However, its interpreted nature often comes at the cost of performance. This is where Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation steps in as a game-changer. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of JIT compilation, its benefits, and delve into popular Python JIT … Read more

Python APScheduler: Exploring the Power of AsyncIOScheduler

Python’s APScheduler library is a powerful tool for scheduling and automating tasks. One of the standout features of APScheduler is the AsyncIOScheduler, which allows developers to schedule asynchronous functions and coroutines effortlessly. In this article, we will delve into the AsyncIOScheduler, exploring its capabilities, benefits, and how it can streamline your asynchronous task scheduling needs. … Read more

Best Books to Learn Web Development

In this article, we present a curated list of the best books to learn web development. These books cover a range of topics, from front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to back-end frameworks, databases, and web application architecture. Each book offers a unique perspective, comprehensive insights, and practical exercises that will help you build … Read more

Cython vs CPython – Comparing the Speed Difference

In this Cython vs CPython Article, we will be conducting a speed comparison using 10 different benchmarks, covering diverse scenarios and edge cases. Python is a popular programming language known for its simplicity and readability. However, it is an interpreted language, which can sometimes result in slower execution speeds compared to compiled languages like C. … Read more

How to Install Webdriver_manager Chrome in Selenium Python?

In this Python tutorial, we will learn how to install Selenium for Chrome using the Webdriver_manager module. Selenium is a popular open-source framework used for automating web browsers. It provides a convenient way to interact with web elements, perform actions, and extract data from websites. To use Selenium with Python, you need to have the … Read more

Running Headless Selenium in Python (2023)

In the world of web testing and automation, Selenium has become a popular tool for developers and testers alike. It allows us to simulate user interactions with web applications, automate repetitive tasks, and perform end-to-end testing. But have you ever wondered if there’s a way to run Selenium tests without a visible browser window? That’s … Read more

Python Metaclass Tutorial (with Examples)

In this Python tutorial, we will discuss the concept of a “Metaclass”, and how it can be used effectively. Metaclasses are a powerful feature in Python that allow you to create classes dynamically at runtime. In Python, everything is an object, including classes. When you define a class in Python, you are actually creating an … Read more

Inspiring Future Programmers with the Perfect Gift

In today’s rapidly advancing digital landscape, programming skills have become an essential asset for children. These skills not only equip them for future career opportunities but also foster problem-solving abilities and creativity. Encouraging children to learn programming at an early age can be a game-changer. With the right gift, you can inspire your child to … Read more

How to add image (data) files in Pyinstaller EXE

Pyinstaller is a popular tool used by Python developers to convert their Python code into a standalone executable file that can be run on any machine without the need for Python to be installed. When creating an executable using Pyinstaller, it is often necessary to include additional “data” files such as an image, configuration file, … Read more