The Development And Makeup Of VPNs

Virtual Private Networks obscure IP addresses and encrypt data – making it far safer to transmit sensitive requests online. Are you interested in how they work? If so, you’re in the right place! This article is a brief rundown of the stages of development of VPNs and the components that makeup such systems work effectively. … Read more

Best Cyber Security Books for Beginners [2023]

Cyber Security is becoming a rising concern for many people and corporations in the modern world. The more connected our world becomes to the internet, the more exposed and vulnerable you become. Knowing how to guard yourself against these dangers is of utmost importance, so we compiled a list of the Best Books on Cyber … Read more

Classes in Programming Languages

This article will covers the use of Classes in Programming languages. In the 1990’s, we saw the rapid rise of Object oriented programming languages like Java and C++. These object oriented programming languages used the concept that everything is made out of Objects and Classes. These objects contain data and functions, and can interact with … Read more

Differences between PyQt5 and PyQt6

PyQt is a Python GUI Framework used for the creation of GUI, Graphical User Interfaces. In January 2021, PyQt6 was introduced (Version 6), which brought in several changes and improvements. In this article, we are going to discuss the differences between PyQt6 and its predecessor PyQt5. Overview of the changes PyQt is a Python Binding … Read more

Python Projects for Beginners | Fun and Challenging Ideas

This article is an idea list of Python projects for Beginners. It’s easy enough to learn Python using the vast number of resources available online, however this does not make you a Python programmer. Simply “knowing” python isn’t enough. You need to have actually written your own project with your own two hands. Projects which … Read more

Local SEO Solutions: 8 Tips to Boost Local Rankings

In this article, we will discuss 8 key strategies that one can use to boost their Local SEO Rankings. In recent times, local SEO has become more important than ever. It is known as one of the best ways to accelerate the online growth of local businesses. In order to find the best options in … Read more

Is Ezoic Premium Worth it? – Complete Review

This is a review of Ezoic Premium, and the various benefits (and drawbacks) it offers. We will also be sharing our own personal experience with Ezoic premium, which at the time of this article, is more than 6 months. Ezoic Premium Review Ezoic Premium is a special service offered by Ezoic to it’s publishers which … Read more

Difference between Structures and Classes in C++

In this article we will attempt to explain the difference between a Structure and a Class. This is a pretty interesting debate, and throughout this article you are about to learn exactly what Structures are capable of, and just how similar to Classes they are. Understanding Structures There are a few common misconceptions about Structures, … Read more

Python Object Serialization with Pickle

Object Serialization is a fascinating programming concept, that is readily available in Python using the Pickle Library. Pickle provides a set of inbuilt functions and functionality that make dumping and loading objects to and from files a piece of cake. What is Object Serialization? Serialization is the process of converting an object to a byte … Read more

Tkinter vs wxPython – Python GUI Libraries

In this “Tkinter vs wxPython” article we will compare two popular GUI libraries in Python, to determine the winner. Through the article, we will attempt to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using either library, and share some code snippets to help you decide which one you should be learning. Table of Contents Tkinter wxPython … Read more