Python Basics

A compilation of all the topics in the Python Basics Section, along with a brief explanation on their contents.

Python Syntax: Syntax is the set of rules that define how code is written. This article goes through some basic rules on how Python code should be written.

Python Operators: An Article on Arithmetic, Logical, Bit wise, Comparison and Assignments Operators, complete with examples.

Python Input: A guide on how to take user input, followed by an explanation on how to handle it effectively.

Python Data Types: An Article that goes through the various data types in Python with examples. Did you know about Mutable and Immutable Data types? If not, head over to the article.

Python Strings: Strings, one of the most basic data types in Python. A complete guide on strings, using them, parsing them and combining them with several built in functions Python has to offer.

Python Loops: An Overview on the various types of loops in Python, what sets them apart, and where to use which.

Python if else: An individual close up analysis on if…else statements, how to use them effectively and in various scenarios. Complete with several examples.

Python For Loops: An individual close up analysis on For loops, how to use them effectively and in various scenarios. Complete with several examples.

Python Lists: A close up analysis of the “Lists” Data type in Python, and how to use them.

Python Tuple: A close up analysis of the “Tuple” Data type in Python, and how to use it.

Python Dictionaries: Dictionaries are a data type with a key: value pair, which it stores in an un-ordered collection format. See this article to find out more on how to use them.

Python Functions: A function is a reusable block of code that runs only when called. Functions saves time, increase re-usability and makes your code simpler to read.

Python Iterations: A guide explaining how to effectively use iterative methods on several data types in python, and where to use them.

Python File Handling: Using files to store and load data is a key part to many applications. Learn how to create, delete, edit and load files with this guide.

Python time: An overview of the Python Library “time”. Used to handle dates and other related tasks.

Python Datetime: The datetime library is a library that comes in handy when you need to work with dates or time. See more in the article.

Python Random: An overview of the Python Library “Random”. As the name suggests, it’s a library which helps you add randomized elements to your program.

Python Message Box: A library that creates user friendly prompts to show warnings or confirmation messages.

Python Send2trash: By default, Python will permanently delete files upon being asked to. However, send2trash is a library that gives you the option of sending files to the recycle bin instead. Useful during File handling.

Python pyperclip: A library that helps you manipulate the clipboard during coding.

Python zipfile: A library that is used to automatically create zip files after being given a target path.

If you feel like our “Python Basics” section is lacking something essential, feel free to tell us, or even contribute your own article here at CodersLegacy. Even suggestions and ideas are welcome.

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