7 Best Books on Game Development & Design [2023]

Game Design and Development is easily one of the most difficult fields of programming. It requires alot of knowledge and pre-planning before you begin. Most of the time this knowledge and experience is gained through trial and error. However, with the right resource, this process will become much easier. To help you with that, we have compiled the Best Books on Game Development and Design here.

7 Best Books for Coding Interview Preparation

Coding Interviews are an obstacle almost every programmer has to go through at some point in their careers. Luckily, to help us overcome this obstacle we have compiled some of the Best Books for Coding Interview preparation for you. These books on Coding interview preparation, generally deal with explaining how the interviews are held, walk … Read more

Computer Architecture Books | Top 10 Picks in 2023

Computer Architecture describes the set of rules and systems that all work together to create a computer system. Understanding this can be rather tricky, due to the amount of detail and complexity involved. To help you with the process, we have gathered together some of the Best Books on Computer Architecture here for you to … Read more

Best Books on Database Design [2023]

Databases are the driving force behind many applications in the modern world, and play a pivotal role in maintaining and storing data, e.g: Websites. In this tutorial, we have short listed the Best Books on Database Design, complete with a description of the book and the audience for which it is most suited for. The … Read more

Best Computer Networking Books in 2023

Computer Networking has always been of great importance since the beginning of the era of computers and technology. In fact, the Internet itself a vast network connecting computers all across the world. A network can be as small as between two computers over a local connection, or spread across the entire country, or even the … Read more

Best Books about Blockchain and Cryptocurrency [2023]

If you have been keeping up with the following trends, then you might have heard of the words “Blockchain”, “Cryptocurrency” and “Bitcoin” already. It’s one of latest and most popular trends in the information world, having gained alot of popularity over the last few years (and its rising). You might not really understand it though, … Read more