JavaFX Widgets list

This article is compilation of the different JavaFX widgets.

In this article, we’ve compiled a list of the main JavaFX widgets, along with a short description and a link to its respective tutorial. This is good place to quickly take a look at all the different GUI components available in JavaFX and how to use them.

Detailed explanations on the usage of each Widget are available on separate pages dedicated to that specific widget. Follow the links below to reach that page.

Note: This is not a complete list. Some minor and uncommon widgets were left out.

List of JavaFX Widgets

Stage: The Stage in JavaFX represents the primary window of a GUI application.

Label: Used for displaying text.

Button: A widget that causes a specific action or “event” to occur when clicked

TextField: It is a simple rectangular box which takes single line input from the User.

TextArea: Used for Multiline Input.

Text Class: A Text Class used for creating and displaying text on the window.

ImageView: Used for displaying images.

PasswordField: For taking sensitive information such as passwords from the User.

ComboBox: A dropdown widget that displays a list of options.

RadioButton: Displays to the User a set of options in form of a selectable circle/box.

CheckBox: Also known as the CheckButton, this widget takes the form multiple boxes from which the user can select none, some or all.

MenuButton: Just like a regular button, but upon being clicked it will reveal a drop down list of options for the User.

Input Dialogs: A popup dialog that presents the user with an entry field and a set of appropriate buttons.

ProgressBar: Used to visualize progression of computer operations such as file transferring, downloading, uploading, copying or any custom operation you may be performing.

Separator: Draws a line between groups of widgets to separate them.

Hyperlink: Used for the creation of hyperlinks.

Font Class: Used alongside the Text Class to modify and customize Text.

ToolBar: A Toolbar is a multi purpose component, used to store icons, buttons, menu’s and other similar elements.

MediaView: A powerful widget that can be used to create a Video Player.

FileChooser: Used to browse the filesystem and select a file or multiple files.

DatePicker: A special widget used for selecting dates.

Layout Managers

StackPane Layout: As the name implies, StackPane “stacks” all the components onto each other. Just like layers (think of photoshop layers).

TilePane Layout: Uses a grid-based system which uses rows and columns to organized it’s components.

VBox Layout: Creates a layout which positions all the GUI components in it, in a vertical column on top of each other.

HBox Layout Manager: Creates a layout which positions all the GUI components in a horizontal row next to each other.

GridPane Layout: JavaFX GridPane layout places components in a structure of rows and columns.

BorderPane Layout: This Layout is unique because it has pre-defined locations for where the components are to be set. Your 5 choices are the Top, Bottom, Center, Left and Right.

This marks the end of the JavaFX Widgets list article. Any suggestions or contributions for CodersLegacy are more than welcome. Questions regarding the article content can be asked in the comments section below.

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